PLO Mastermind Review

PLO Mastermind
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4-Card PLO Training Plan includes:


15-Day Money-Back Guarantee

What you’ll learn


What Will I Learn?

Are you looking for poker training that covers all aspects of Pot-Limit Omaha? Contrary to Texas Holdem, PLO strategy is a rather narrowly addressed area among poker training products. That’s why we decided to get access to PLO Mastermind and review the program. It’s one of the very few membership training courses that focus exclusively on the 4-card game. Let’s crack on with it:

PLO Mastermind inside

How does PLO Mastermind Work

PLO Mastermind is designed to deepen your knowledge of PLO and help you crush the stakes you play. There’s a ton of video content as well as a pack of quizzes to learn Omaha. Yet, PLO Mastermind doesn’t overwhelm you with the massive amount of content. When you choose your preferred content path, it shows you a clear roadmap to become a winning player at your chosen stakes.

You get access to the whole content library once you’ve signed up with PLO MM. 5 new videos per week are released on the platform for paid members. All the content like videos, quizzes, and functions of the community platform are mobile-friendly for flexible studying. Finding fellow members to talk strategy and share hand histories with is easy on the PLO players poker forum or Discord chat.

Let’s take a peek at what kind of materials the training is built from:

Why PLO Mastermind seems to get you good results in poker

Like any complex strategy game, Omaha poker requires you to have a rigorous approach to studying the game. That is if you want to become a truly masterful player. The vast majority of the training materials in PLO Mastermind are based on solutions derived from poker solvers. This means you’ll start building a theoretically sound game once you begin to study the materials.

Student testimonials

Here are some testimonials we found by PLO Mastermind students on their experience of the training membership:

‘I was invited to PLO Mastermind 1 month ago and I enjoy it so much: Learning a lot and also understanding the building a good strategy is such a long journey. I’m improving a lot. So, a big thanks and congrats to Jnandez & the team for building such a complete set of tools to master the Great Game of Pot-Limit Omaha!


‘Huge thanks for all the content and especially the latest PLO100 Zoom videos! I feel like I am playing a different game right now. The part about being creative and using every info we can to exploit our opponents? I think it made me so much more aware of everything in the game. The thing I like the most about MM is that every time I watch videos, it makes me more aware and able to think better about each hand I play.’

– Farrokh

‘I finally got around to play with the tool and I am totally stoked. Having watched the 2 videos on it, I find the software easy to navigate. Can’t wait to be able to download the post-flop ranges ❤️ I love the training functionality and it will probably be what I’ll use the most.’


PLO MasterMind Plans

What are the different membership options and pricing

There are three membership levels to PLO Mastermind.  You have the option to join for 4-Card PLO or 5-Card PLO at $199 per month, or alternatively to both of them at $199 per month.  Yearly members get a 20% discount for those plans, at $1910 per year single plan or at $2870 for the combo plan including PLO4 & PLO5. Let’s review each membership option in short:

$199 Monthly membership

With 199 dollars per month, you get access to the following training modules for their 4-Card PLO subscription:

The structure of training modules and materials is the same for 5-Card PLO, although the number of videos is currently at +120. More PLO5 videos are being produced constantly and new ones are automatically included in the membership plan.

All monthly memberships come with a 15-day Moneyback Guarantee, reducing your risk in case you’re not happy with the improvements in your game after training.

Studying properly through all the training content can take several weeks even if you do it extensively. We advise you to chop it into digestible chunks, and practicing at the tables while taking a break after studying for 4-5 days. This way you get to implement the strategies you’ve learned, and memorize them quicker.

Plugging your leaks in PLO is not going to be a quick task whether you go for a training subscription or not. The monthly membership has strategy materials and PLO software to cover pretty much all the technical skills needed to crush 4-Card or 5-Card. Pot-Limit Omaha.

Signing up for a membership is rather easy: You need to just fill this simple form, choose payment method and within a few clicks you’re all set:

PLO MasterMind SignUp Form

$299 Monthly membership (PLO4 & PLO5 Combo)

Includes all available training materials and tools for PLO4 & PLO5 formats. Its suitable for professional players who want to increase their win-rates in both of these games.

PLO Mastermind Payment Options

All plans on PLO Mastermind can be purchase with following payment options: 

  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • Discover
  • Amex
  • PayPal

Yearly membership

The yearly membership differs in two major ways to the monthly one. First, you save almost 500 bucks by paying for the whole year for single game format, and around 700 bucks for the combo plan. Second, you gain access to an exclusive yearly member’s Discord group with all the PLO Mastermind coaches and team.

PLO Trainer App

Learn GTO with PLO Trainer

Learning GTO with solvers can be time-consuming. With PLO Trainer, you can access over 83,000 PLO situations and train the correct decisions with different hands. You get instant feedback after choosing your play, speeding up the learning process by a lot.

PLO Trainer Web App can be opened in a browser so you don’t need to download it. PLO Trainer can’t be purchase separately, which means you need at least a monthly members ship to to start practicing GTO with it.

Pro’s Comments

’I bought the PLO mastermind to get access to their new PLO trainer beta program and have not regretted my decision. Granted; you don’t get all the post-flop spots (and none of the turns), but how often do you really face a 4-bet pot with multiple villains? And in those rare spots – who has the time to run a deep-stacked multiway 6-max spot anyway? In PLO trainer, you can run a quick and easy simulation on all the single-raised & 3-bet pots 100bb deep that have two players (6-max and heads up), on pretty much any flop texture you decide. It also has the correct preflop ranges for 30, 50, 150, and 200bb stack depth.

The UI is superb compared to other solvers and takes basically no time at all to learn. It comes with a training feature where you can drill on any pre-flop situation. This is a GREAT tool for some side betting with friends and in general makes the learning much more fun. All in all, if you’re anything like me and don’t want to do simulations on your own – or just can’t handle waiting the time for them to be finished – this is the tool for you. 5/5 Beast approved.’

– Samuli ‘TheJudas’ Sipilä, Beasts Of Poker Pro-Team

Stop grinding, start crushing?

No more mediocre results at the PLO tables. With 30-day money-back guarantee.

PLO Mastermind Pros & Cons

No poker training is perfect in all possible aspects. Each course comes with some pros and cons. Here are the key ones we found during testing the platform:



PLO Mastermind Review – wrapping it up

The quality of the strategy training provided on the platform got us quite impressed. PLO Mastermind has pretty much everything you need to know so that you can become a true PLO crusher. Nothing is held back in the videos and the Trainer makes sure you recognize the mistakes you need to remove from your game. For any Omaha player who plays 4-Card or 5-Card PLO $0.25/0.50 or higher, the monthly membership should be a +EV investment.

Our Rating: 9/10

PLO Mastermind FAQ

What is PLO Mastermind?

PLO Mastermind is a training platform for studying Pot-Limit Omaha with theory & practical strategy videos, quizzes, and GTO trainer software. The platform is subscription-based and membership includes access to their community of PLO players. You can learn both PLO4 and PLO5 at PLO MM.

Who are the coaches of PLO Mastermind?

The head coach is JNandez87 aka Fernando Habegger who has coached hundreds of students in PLO. Other coaches include Alexey Altshuller, Fabian Rigo aka Suhepx, and Luuk Botter.

Who is JNandez87?

Fernando ‘JNandez87’ Habegger is a Swiss Pot-Limit Omaha specialist and who started his poker career in 2006 from freerolls. Jnandez grinded low and mid stakes NLHE games for a few years before transitioning to Pot-Limit Omaha. He is the Head Coach for PLO Mastermind and has coached hundreds of poker students to take their game to a higher level. Nowadays Jnandez plays cash games ranging from $10/$20 to $25/$50 as well as PLO tournaments up to $5,000.

How much content is there on PLO Mastermind?

With their most popular plan which is 4-Card PLO, you gain access to +1,100 PLO4 strategy videos, +350 quizzes, PLO Trainer software, downloadable resources, and the Discord access.

What poker games does PLO Mastermind cover

PLO MM focuses exclusively on Pot-Limit Omaha and covers 4-card and 5-game versions of the game. You can find PLO strategies and tips for various stakes like low, mid, and high stakes Omaha. HU, 6-max, live play, and tournament strategies for PLO are covered as well.

Does PLO Mastermind have a refund?

Yes, as a new member you get a 15-day refund period. If you’re not happy with the product, you'll receive your money back with no questions asked.

What resources can I download from PLO Mastermind?

You can download Preflop Charts, Postflop Shortcuts, and other resources.

How to contact PLO Mastermind support?

You can email their support team at [email protected] any billing and account issues. The other option is messaging ADelaney#7944 directly at their Discord server.


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